Available Content


  1. The following API's are implemented:
    1. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/tags -- returns a list of all available content tags
    2. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/reg -- returns a user registration token
    3. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/regprod -- returns a user registration token (production)
    4. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/regbw[UserNode] -- returns a Bluewhale user registration token. Acceptable user nodes are listed here.
    5. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/subbw[SubNode] -- returns a Bluewhale subscription token. Acceptable subscription nodes are listed here.
    6. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/linkUserSub[UserNode]&[SubNode] -- returns a link token. The link will connect the user node to the subscription node. The user node and the subscription node should already exist on the client.
    7. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/linkDeviceSub[SubNode] -- returns a link token. The link will connect personality to the subscription node. The subscription node should already exist on the client.
    8. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/licbw -- returns a Bluewhale BB license token (device bound).
    9. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/licbwUB/[UserNode] -- returns a Bluewhale BB license token bound to the user node.
    10. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/licbwSUB/[SubNode] -- returns a Bluewhale BB license token bound to the subscription node.
    11. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/url -- returns the content URL
    12. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bb -- returns a BB license token (device bound)
    13. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUB -- returns a BB license token (user bound)
    14. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbctrl -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 (device bound)
    15. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBctrl -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 (user bound)
    16. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbprod -- returns a BB license token, production (device bound)
    17. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBprod -- returns a BB license token, production (user bound)
    18. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbctrlprod -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0, production (device bound)
    19. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBctrlprod -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0, production (user bound)
    20. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbrdlc -- returns a BB license token with BlockOnRootedDevice 1 (device bound)
    21. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBrdlc -- returns a BB license token with BlockOnRootedDevice 1 (user bound)
    22. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbctrlrdlc -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 and BlockOnRootedDevice 1 (device bound)
    23. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBctrlrdlc -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 and BlockOnRootedDevice 1 (user bound)
    24. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbrdlcprod -- returns a BB license token with BlockOnRootedDevice 1, production (device bound)
    25. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBrdlcprod -- returns a BB license token with BlockOnRootedDevice 1, production (user bound)
    26. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbctrlrdlcprod -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 and BlockOnRootedDevice 1, production (device bound)
    27. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/bbUBctrlrdlcprod -- returns a BB license token with ImageConstraintLevel 0 and BlockOnRootedDevice 1, production (user bound)
    28. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3 -- returns a MS3 compound URL
    29. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3ext -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "wudo" extension
    30. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3rdlc -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "rdlc" extension
    31. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3extrdlc -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension
    32. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3prod -- returns a MS3 compound URL, production
    33. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3extprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "wudo" extension, production
    34. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3rdlcprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "rdlc" extension, production
    35. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3extrdlcprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension, production
    36. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3h -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL
    37. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hext -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "wudo" extension
    38. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hrdlc -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "rdlc" extension
    39. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hextrdlc -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension
    40. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hprod -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL, production
    41. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hextprod -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "wudo" extension, production
    42. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hrdlcprod -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "rdlc" extension, production
    43. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hextrdlcprod -- returns a MS3 via HTTP compound URL with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension, production
    44. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hs -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme)
    45. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsext -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "wudo" extension
    46. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsrdlc -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "rdlc" extension
    47. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsextrdlc -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension
    48. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme), production
    49. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsextprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "wudo" extension, production
    50. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsrdlcprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "rdlc" extension, production
    51. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3hsextrdlcprod -- returns a MS3 compound URL ( ms3hs scheme) with "wudo" and "rdlc" extension, production
    52. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/plr -- returns a PlayReady license
    53. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/wv -- returns a Production Widevine license
    54. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/wvp -- returns a Production Widevine license with Persistent License
    55. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/fps -- returns a Fairplay license
    56. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/key -- returns the CID::Key pairs for the content
    57. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/cid -- returns the CID::Key pairs for the content
    58. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/fp_key -- returns the Key::IV pairs for the content
    59. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/url_availend_[x]s -- returns an URL pointing to a MPD with availabilityStartTime set to "now" and availabilityEndTime set to "now" plus x seconds (static DASH only).
    60. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/url_availstart_[x]s -- returns an URL pointing to a MPD with availabilityStartTime set to "now" plus x seconds and availabilityEndTime set to availabilityStartTime plus 30 seconds (static DASH only).
    61. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3_availend_[x]s -- returns a MS3 URL pointing to a MPD with availabilityStartTime set to "now" and availabilityEndTime set to "now" plus x seconds (static DASH only).
    62. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ms3_availstart_[x]s -- returns a MS3 URL pointing to a MPD with availabilityStartTime set to "now" plus x seconds and availabilityEndTime set to availabilityStartTime plus 30 seconds (static DASH only).
    63. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/ms3PseudoDynamic_skip[x]s -- returns a MS3 URL pointing to a pseudodynamic multiperiod content. X is the number of seconds to skip from the beginning of the presentation.
    64. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/chnbb -- returns a BB license token (device bound)
    65. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/chnprodbb -- returns a BB license token, production (device bound)
    66. http://content-access.intertrust-dev.com/[ContentTag]/ut (utext, utjson, utprod, utextprod) -- returns a Universal token only for DASH contents
  2. This is a registration token matching the user-bound action tokens in the tables below.


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FAST_START_HD_SINTEL_HLS HLS static BBTS v1.1 CENC M2TS None Sintel_trailer-HD.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
PDCF_2_AudioTracks Download PDCF CTR MP4 None smkinacs_2_audiotracks.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
PDCF_Frag_Mp4 Download PDCF CENC MP4 Fragmented None smkinacs_frag.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
PDCF_Mixed_Enc Download PDCF CTR MP4 None smkinacs_track2unenc.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
AppleCencCbcs_enc_seg Download MARLIN CENC MP4 AAC/H264 fileSequence1.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
ARRIVAL DASH Static AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Single M4F file DASH, created with Bento4 mp4-dash.py --no-split
Avengers_CBCS_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
balada Download AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC balada.mla BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
audio only fragmented MP4, a public domain audio "MC Balad A, Frank Nora", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onc_JCN_wAI
Bento4CencCbcs_enc_seg Download MARLIN CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 segment-1.0035.m4s BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH2090 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wasabi Ticket #2090
DASH2090_AUDIO_1TRACK_ENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wasabi Ticket #2090
DASH2090_AUDIO_ENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wasabi Ticket #2090
Dash_AAC_HEv1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AAC with High Efficiency Version 1
Dash_AAC_HEv2 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AAC with High Efficiency Version 2
Dash_AudioOnly_Ac3 None None None None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_AudioOnly_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_AudioOnly_Ec3 None None None None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_AudioOnly_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_AudioOnly_MultiAudioTrack None None None None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_CBCS_AudioOnly_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_CBCS_FastStart_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_CBCS_List_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_CBCS_MultiAudioTrack_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_CBCS_MultiBitrate_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_CBCS_Nosplit_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_CBCS_Number_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_CBCS_Subtitle_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_CBCS_Timeline_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
DASH_ClearAUDIO_EncVIDEO DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wasabi Ticket #2090
Dash_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_FastStart_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HD content
Dash_FastStart_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_FastStart_NoSplit_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HD content
DASH_FROZEN_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash List Content With 2 Subtitles
DASH_FS_SINGLEFILE_BUNNY DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fast start single large fragmented MP4
Dash_h264_ac3 DASH Static None CENC MP4 None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_H264_OnDemand_Clear DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None MultiResMPEG2.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH_HEVC_AAC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HEVC with ACC LC, audio may not come at end. Plays only in embeddedPlayer and AOSP
DASH_HEVC_AC3 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AC3/H265 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
All HEVC contnet plays on EmbeddedPlayer and AOSP
Dash_isofflive_MP4box DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest-marlin.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Content Generated through Mp4Box Tool
DASH_JUNGLEBOOK_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Timeline Content With 4 Subtitles
Dash_List_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH_LIST_CENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_List_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
DASH_LIVE_NUMBER_CBCS DASH Dynamic None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 live-number.cgi BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_MultiAudioTrack_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_MultiBitrate_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
DASH_MULTICID_SUBTITLE None None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Timeline - MultiCid content with subtitle
DASH_MULTIPERIOD DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multiperiod contents with different representation id for each period
Dash_MultipleAudioTrack_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_MultipleBitRate_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH_MULTI_JUNGLEBOOK_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream-multi.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH Static multi-period content with subtitles
Dash_NoSplit_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_Nosplit_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_Number_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_Number_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_AudioOnly DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_AudioOnly_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_AudioOnly_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_FastStart_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_MultiAudioTrack_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_MultiBitrate_EME_v1 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_CBCS_Subtitle_EME_v0 DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_Clear DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None mp4-onDemand-mpd-AV.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_FastStart DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Faststart_CBCS DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_FastStart_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_MP4box DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 manifest-marlin.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Content Generated through Mp4Box Tool
Dash_OnDemand_MultiAudio DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_MultiAudioTrack_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_MultiAudio_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Multibitrate_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Multibitrate_CENC DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_MultiBitrate_EME_v0 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v0
Dash_OnDemand_NoBaseUrl DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_NoIndexRange_InSegBase DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Static DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Subtitle DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Subtitle_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Subtitle_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
Dash_OnDemand_WithNoSegBase DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_WithNoSourceUrlInRepresentationIndex DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_WithRepresentationIndex_InSegBase DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH_SHAKA_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Generated content via ShakaPackager
DASH_SINGLEFILE_BUNNY DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
encrypted single large fragmented MP4
DASH_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Number content with Subtitle in Adaptation Set
Dash_Subtitle_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_Subtitle_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
DASH_TEAROFSTEEL_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Tear of steel movie with subtitle
DASH_TEAR_HEVC_AAC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Plays on embeddedPlayer and AOSP
Dash_Timeline_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_Timeline_EME_v1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Contains MPEG Common Encryption & EME Common Encryption of pssh-v1
DASH_TTML_SUBTITLE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Number content with TTML subtitle( ttml subtitle is not supported)
DISCOVERY_10SEC_CRYPTO_PERIOD Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-10sec-crypto-period.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Crypto period of 10 seconds. Useful for testing stale key updating where shorter crypto period may not be acceptable for performance reasons.
discovery_ftva_access_criteria Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-ftva-access-criteria-value-702.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_random_tag_access_criteria Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-random-tag-access-criteria.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_random_tag_access_criteria_onebyte_length Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-random-tag-oneByte-length.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2000 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2000.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2002 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2002.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2704 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2704.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2705 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2705.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2706 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2706.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_2707 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-2707.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_700 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-700.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_701 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-701.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
discovery_xpca_access_criteria_value_702 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-xpca-access-criteria-value-702.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EMEDASH DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Tears of Steel with FF PSSH, EMEDASH test
EMEDASHCH DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-720p-cenc_video_dash.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Sintel trailer, video only. Prepared by FF, EMEDASH test
FAST_DASH_HD_TUMBLE DASH Static AES128CTR CTR MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
first three segments in the clear for Fast Start testing, more than 520K resolution, 1280 x 720
FAST_HLS_HD_TUMBLE HLS static PANTOS CBC M2TS AAC/H264 stream.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
first three segments in the clear for Fast Start testing, more than 520K resolution, 1280 x 720
FAST_START_DASH DASH Static AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear audio, protected video with two segments in the clear.
FF7_MULTI_SUB_AUDIO DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Number with Multi Audio and Subtitle
FMP4_AUDIO Download PDCF CTR MP4 Fragmented AAC autorsong-0008-frag.mla BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented mp4, audo only
FURY1 HLS static BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
No key tag in the master playlist. Each segment different key, or clear. One variant in BBTS, the other in Pantos mode.
Juliet_CBCS_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
Juliet_Marlin_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
Juliet_Multi_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
Lastjedi_1080p_Hevc DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Misaligned DASH Static AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Audio and video segments are misaligned, i.e. there is no 1:1 mapping between them.
Misaligned_Live_Numbered DASH Dynamic AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 live-numbered.cgi BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Same as the content "Misaligned", but the CGI script generates live MPD, using numbered template URLs.
Misaligned_Live_Timed DASH Dynamic AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 live-timed.cgi BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Media URL template using $Time$, otherwise same as Misaligned_live_numbered
Misaligned_Live_Timed_FixedStartNumber_DropSegment DASH Dynamic AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 live-timed-fixed-startNumber.cgi?-50 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Misaligned_Live_Timed_Fixed_StartNumber DASH Dynamic AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 live-timed-fixed-startNumber.cgi BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Just like Misaligned_live_timed, but the startNumber does not move.
MP4_AUDIO Download PDCF CTR MP4 AAC autorsong-0008.mla BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
audio only adcf
OnDemand_AudioOnly_CBCS DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
PDCF_4K Download PDCF CTR None None Sony_4K.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
PDCF 4K content
PLEVEL_COMPONENT_DVB_CSA Download DVB-CSA None M2TS None ProgramLevelANDComponent-Enc.ts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Sample content with DVB-CSA protection type
REFE031 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH content with uneven A/V segment boundaries: A/V 4/3s
REFE032 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH content with uneven A/V segment boundaries: A/V 2/3s
ShakaCencCbcs_enc_seg Download MARLIN CBC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 audio-3.bin BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Sintel_480p_H264 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Sintel_CBCS_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
Sintel_Marlin_PSSH DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
This content contains MarlinSystemSpecificHeaderBox and MarlinKidMappingTableBox for Explicit Content ID Mapping
SONY_4K_CENC_FRAGMENTEDMP4 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 Sony_4K_CENC.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
SONY_4K_DASH DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
4K content
WWR_EXO DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
ExoPlayer Dash Test content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WOWZA_PL003 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest_mvnumber.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Live content for the Wowza plugin in KEK instead of key
WOWZA_PL004 DASH Dynamic AES128CTR CTR MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest_mvnumber.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Live content for the Wowza plugin in KEK instead of key


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DSHC001 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-number-clear.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
clear DASH
DSHC002 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-clear.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHC003 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-list-clear.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHF001 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Encrypted, static, single period, number based
DSHF002 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static multiperiod number based
DSHF003 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
single period number based
DSHF004 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Encrypted, live, multi period, number based
DSHF005 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHF006 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHF007 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHF008 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DSHF009 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC dynamic-multi-timeline-encrypted-audioonly.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
audio only
DSHF010 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC static-multi-timeline-encrypted-audioonly.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
audio only
DSHF011 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted-mix1.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
timeline mpd mixed with number based segments
DSHF012 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted-mix2.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
timeline mpd mixed with number based segments
DSHF013 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted-mix3.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
timeline mpd mixed with number based segments
DSHF014 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted-mix4.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
timeline mpd mixed with number based segments
DSHF015 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted-mix5.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
timeline mpd mixed with number based segments
DSHF016 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
broken mpd: the second period does not have init segments
DSHF017 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted-endtime1.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
availabilityEndTime at the period end
DSHF018 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted-endtime2.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
availabilityEndTime at 20 secs from the start (two segment durations)
DSHF019 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted-endtime3.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
availabilityEndTime at 15 secs from the start (1.5 segment durations)
DSHF020 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted-endtime4.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
availabilityEndTime at 10 seconds before start
DSHF021 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted-endtime5.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
availabilityEndTime at 10 seconds after the period end


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WV001 DASH Dynamic WIDEVINE CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest.mpd Widevine Token


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DASH_BFRAMES Download AES128CTR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH content with B-frames (main profile)


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
specialDASH001 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
special case of dynamic MPD, should be explicitly started with ms3PseudoDynamic_skip
specialDASH002 DASH Dynamic None None MP4 AAC/H264 dynamic-single-number-encrypted-early.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
special case of dynamic MPD, should be explicitly started with ms3PseudoDynamic_skip


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WOWZA_HLS_LV001 HLS Dynamic AES128 None M2TS AAC/H264 playlist.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Intertrust HQ live cam


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FAST_START_HLS None None None None None cs-index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
GZIP001 HLS static None None None None big_buck_bunny_lowres.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
gzip content:mobile-test.intertrust.com is configured with gzip
GZIP002 HLS static None None None None discovery-iphone-bbts-playlist.m3u BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
gzip content:mobile-test.intertrust.com is configured with gzip
HLSS001 HLS static PANTOS CBC M2TS AAC/H264 big.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
one big file with byte range HLS URLs in the playlist


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DOLBY_DASH_DUALTRACK_DVHE_DTR_1 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_20150107_223800_12000Kbps_dual_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_DUALTRACK_DVHE_DTR_2 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_20150107_multple_bitrate_dual_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_DUALTRACK_DVHE_DTR_3 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_224320_3000Kbps_dual_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_DUALTRACK_DVHE_DTR_4 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_224320_5800Kbps_dual_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_DTR_1 HLS static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_20150107_223800_12000Kbps_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_DTR_2 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_20150107_multple_bitrate_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_DTR_3 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_224320_3000Kbps_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_DTR_4 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtGlass_BL_EL_RPU_224320_5800Kbps_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_STN_1 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtglassNBC_10139_BL3840x2160_EL1920x1080_10bit_re_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_STN_2 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtglassNBC_103038_BL1280x720_EL640x360_10bit_re_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_STN_3 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtglassNBC_125629_BL1920x1080_EL960x540_10bit_re_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_DASH_SINGLETRACK_DVHE_STN_4 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None ArtglassNBC_125629_multple_bitrate_single_track.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear Content - "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" profile
DOLBY_HLS_DVHE_DTR HLS static None None None None ArtGlass_dvhe_dtr.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear content
DOLBY_HLS_DVHE_STN HLS static None None None None ArtGlass_dvhe_stn.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Clear content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
BBTSI01 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed with SingleKeylayer and zero index entry ( non strict option). NOTE: Index URL same as media URL with .bbts.idx suffix.
BBTSI02 Download BBTS v1.1 None M2TS AAC/H264 bigbucksbunny-trailer.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed with SingleKeylayer and zero index entry ( non strict option) with BBTS v1.1 protection format
BBTSI03 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed with SingleKeylayer and non zero index entry (strict option) with BBTS v2.0 protection format
BBTSI04 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery1.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed with SingleKeylayer and non zero index entry (strict option) with BBTS v2.0 protection format
BBTSI04_backup Download BBTS v1.1 None M2TS AAC/H264 bigbucksbunny-trailer.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed with SingleKeylayer and non zero index entry (strict option) with BBTS v1.1 protection format(backup BBTSI04)
BBTSI05 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed without SingleKeylayer and zero index entry ( non strict option) with BBTS v2.0 protection format
BBTSI06 Download BBTS v1.1 None M2TS AAC/H264 bigbucksbunny-trailer.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed without SingleKeylayer and zero index entry ( non strict option) with BBTS v1.1 protection format
BBTSI07 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed without SingleKeylayer and zero index entry (strict option) with BBTS v2.0 protection format
BBTSI08 Download BBTS v1.1 None M2TS AAC/H264 bigbucksbunny-trailer.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS Indexed without SingleKeylayer and zero index entry (strict option) with BBTS v1.1 protection format


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
CLEAR001 Download None None MP4 None sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
clear mp4
REFE001 Download DCF CTR MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_CTR.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE002 Download DCF CBC MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_CBC.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE003 Download PDCF CTR MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_CTR.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE004 Download PDCF CBC MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_CBC.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE005 Download BBTS v1.1 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v1.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE006 Download BBTS v1.1 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v1_0iv.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
0 IV's, supported for Wasabi 1.4.1 or higher
REFE007 Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v2.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE008 Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v2_0iv.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
0 IV's, supported for Wasabi 1.4.1 or higher
REFE009 HLS static None CBC M2TS AAC/H264 big_buck_bunny.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE010 HLS static PANTOS CBC M2TS AAC/H264 index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE011 HLS static BBTS v1.1 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-iphone.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi-key hls content
REFE012 HLS static BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-iphone.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi-cid BBTS v2.0 content
REFE013 Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 bigbucksbunny-trailer-accesscriteria-singlelayer.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
access criteria, single layer
REFE014 DASH Static None CENC MP4 AAC/H264 mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
single file static DASH
REFE015 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static split template high profile
REFE016 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd-slist.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static split list high profile
REFE017 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static split template baseline
REFE018 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd-slist.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static split list baseline
REFE020 Download PDCF CTR None AAC EmoCreates_SLA_cid401.mla BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE021 Download None CBC None None cipher.bin BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AES128 encrypted text, 0 IV's
REFE022 Download None CBC None None ivcipher.bin BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AES128 encrypted text with IV's
REFE023 Download None CBC None None ivcipher.bin.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AES128 encrypted text with IV's and DCF on the top
REFE024 Download DCF CBC None None cipherpdf.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
dcf encrypted pdf
REFE025 Download BBTS v2.0 None M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_oneKey.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
BBTS with index file, one key
REFE026 Download AES128 CTR MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p.bin BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
bulk AES content
REFE027 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
clear multi stream content
REFE028 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi stream
REFE034 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
clear multi stream content
REFE035 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi stream
REFE036 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static list
URLSYN_TEST1 Download BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v2-(bracketstest)_.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
test of brackets in URL
URLSYN_TEST2 Download BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-1080p_v2\ space\ test.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
test of spaces in the URL


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WVDASH01 DASH Static WIDEVINE None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd Widevine Token
Widevine signaling


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FPHLS01 HLS static FAIRPLAY None None None prog_index.m3u8 Fairplay Token


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
HLS_1080_AES HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS with multiple EXT-X-KEY tags
MDOC001 None None None None None clear_doc.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEPUB001 None None None None None wasabitutorial.epub.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEPUB002 None None None None None cipher.epub.bin BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEPUB003 None None None None None cipher.epub.bin.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEPUB004 None None None None None wasabitutorial1.epub.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
with wrong content key and id
MMOBI001 None None None None None clear.mobi.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MPDF001 None None None None None clear.pdf.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MPDF002 None None None None None wasabiextensions.pdf.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
REFE038 HLS static None None None None big.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HD content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
Dashs_OnDemand_Clear DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dashs_OnDemand_Multibitrate_CENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASHS_SUBTITILE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash Number
Dash_onDemand_cenc DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
SNI_TEST HLS static BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
SNI test content on https server


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FMP4001 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented None video-frag-cenc.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Fragmented MP4 encrypted content with aligned audio and video tracks
FMP4002 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented None video-frag-d5000-cenc.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Fragmented MP4 encrypted content with non aligned audio (15) and video (14) tracks, also fragmented with duration 10000ms
FMP4003 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented None ele-frag-t10000000-cenc.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Fragmented MP4 encrypted content, fragmented using timescale 10000000 and duration 1000ms
FMP4004 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented None ele-frag-d3000-cenc.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Fragmented MP4 encrypted content, fragmented using duration 3000ms
FRAGMP4 Download None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 video_00800-cenc.uvu BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented mp4 (CFF)
FRAGMP4_express371 Download None None MP4 Fragmented None media.mp4 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
For zendesk ticket #371


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FPHLS04 None None None None None prog_index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
TEST_FPS None None None None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
FPHLS02 None None None None None prog_index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
FPHLS03 None None None None None prog_index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
HLSL002 HLS Dynamic BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-enc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS Live, muxed streams, subtitles, encrypted
HLSS002 HLS static BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-byteRange-enc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS Static, byterange, muxed encrypted with subtitles
HLSS003 HLS static None None M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-enc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS, static, mixed encryption
HLSS004 HLS static None CTR M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-enc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS, static, BBTS encryption
HLSS005 HLS static BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-ifenc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS, static, encrypted with separate I-FRAME stream


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
Bunny_WV_Marlin_OnDemand DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token Widevine+Marlin multi bitrate content
Dash_WV_AudioOnly_CENC DASH Static WIDEVINE CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd Widevine Token
Widevine Signalling
Dash_WV_CBCS DASH Static MARLIN+WV CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
MIXEDDRM003 DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token Mixed Marlin DRM/Widevine signaling
Sintel_WV_Marlin_OnDemand DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token Widevine+Marlin single bitrate content
WVDASHS01 DASH Static WIDEVINE None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd Widevine Token
Widevine signaling


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
MEZO001 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEZO test content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WOWZA_DSH_LIVE DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Content for the Wowza plugin in KEK instead of key


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
CLEAR002 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HbbTV stream: Clear, Sintel, static
DASH1699 DASH Static None None None None mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
For Ticket #1699
DASHAC3_1 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AC3/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
DASH with AC3 audio
DASHEC3 None None None None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_PR_CBCS DASH Static PLAYREADY CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd Playready Token
FAST_START_DASH_AUDIO_ONLY DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-Template, protected content with 10 segments in clear
FAST_START_DASH_MULTIPLE_AUDIO DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-Number, protected content with 2 segments in clear.
FAST_START_DASH_SEG_LIST DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-List, protected content with 10 segments in clear.
FAST_START_DASH_SEG_NUM DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-Number, protected content with 40 segments in clear.
FAST_START_DASH_SEG_TIMELINE DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-Timeline, protected content with 10 segments in clear.
MIXEDDRM001 DASH Static MARLIN+PR CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token Mixed Playready/Marlin DRM signaling
MIXEDDRM002 DASH Static MARLIN+PR+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Mixed Playready/Marlin DRM/Widevine signaling
PLDASH01 DASH Static PLAYREADY None MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd Playready Token Playready signaling
REFE019 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi period content with DTS reset after each period
REFE030 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
content made out of FRAGMP4_FLIXCHIP
REFE037 DASH Static None CENC None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HD content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
HLSL001 HLS Dynamic BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 hls-live-enc.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS Live Content, demuxed streams, subtitles, encrypted. Currently iOS players only


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EBOOK001 Download AES256CBC CBC None None Wasabi.pdf.enc BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
eBook test content
EBOOK002 Download DCF CBC None None README-ANDROID.dcf BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
encrypted text
EBOOK003 Download AES128 CBC None None README-ANDROID.aes BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AES encrypted text, IV: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
EBOOK_DCFSCHEMA Download AES128 CBC None None README-ANDROID.aes BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AES encrypted text, IV: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
MEZO002 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
AS version of content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EXPR007 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None mpd-profile-withcaps.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Zendesk ticket 31: Regarding the MPD reference schema change
EXPR008 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented None mpd-multiprofile-withspace.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
#1359 Add dash content xml contains multiple profile with space
SMALL_HLS_AOSP HLS static None None None None index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
SWAPTEST DASH Static None CTR MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd-slist.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
segment swapping test content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
HLSS01 HLS static None None None None big_buck_bunny_low_resolution.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLSS02 HLS static AES128 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EMEMLV001 Download AES128 CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 tears_of_steel_1080p_120.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EME test: Tears of Steel, fragmented mp4, MPEG-CENC
EMEMLV002 Download AES128 CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 sintel_trailer.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EME test: Sintel trailer, fragmented mp4, MPEG-CENC
EMEMLV003 Download PDCF CTR MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-twokeys.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EME test: Sintel trailer, two keys, fragmented mp4, MPEG-CENC
MEZO003 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
long DASH, delay test
MEZO004 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wowza live dash stream, list
WOWZA_HLS_AAC001 HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 playlist.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static hls stream with separate encrypted AAC
WOWZA_HLS_AAC004 HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 playlist.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
static hls stream with separate clear byterange AAC


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WOWZA_HLS_AAC002 HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 playlist.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Mag7 from Wowza server, AAC encrypted, separate
WOWZA_HLS_AAC003 HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 playlist.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Mag7 from Wowza server, AAC clear, separate


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
ALLJAZZ_HLS HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 ALLTHATJAZZ-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
long HLS on internal server
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
long PDCF, main profile, on internal server


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EBOOK004 Download None None None None README-ANDROID.aes.ctr BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MEDIA001 Download DCF CBC None None pdf_encrypted_cbc.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
MMP4001 Download AES128CTR CTR MP4 None mp4_enc_ctr.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DSHS001 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
self-init DASH TS
DSHS002 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
self-init DASH TS
DSHS003 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
self-init DASH TS
DSHS004 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
self-init DASH TS
DSHS005 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
non-self-init DASH TS
DSHS006 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
non-self-init DASH TS
DSHS007 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
non-self-init DASH TS
DSHS008 DASH Static None CENC M2TS AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
non-self-init DASH TS
DSHT001 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT002 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT003 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT004 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-number-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT005 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT006 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT007 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-single-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT008 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-timeline-encrypted.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT009 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 static-multi-timeline-encrypted-audioonly.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
DSHT010 DASH Dynamic None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 dynamic-multi-timeline-encrypted-audioonly.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
fragmented segments
EXPR010 DASH Static None None MP4 Fragmented AAC/H265 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HEVC test content
REFE029 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
multi stream


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EXPR002 Download PDCF CBC MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EXPR003 Download DCF CBC MP4 AAC/H264 sintel_trailer.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EXPR006 HLS static BBTS v2.0 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 discovery-express.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
SMOOTHTUTOR DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Smooth tutorial example


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
AES0001 None None None None None bbb.0.hlsaes.ts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
FAST_START_HLS_BBTS HLS static BBTS v1.1 None M2TS None index.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Segment-Template, protected content with 11 segments in clear


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DASH1736 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
For Ticket #1736


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
Dashs_OnDemand_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS None None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EBOOKDOC01 Download DCF CBC None None cipherdoc.dcf.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
EBOOKEPUB01 Download DCF CBC None None cipherepub.dcf.mrv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
AUTH_ARRIVAL DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Single M4F file DASH, created with Bento4 mp4-dash.py --no-split; with Basic HTTP Authentication: contentuser / contentpass2021, realm="Authorized Content Access"
AUTH_LUCA Download PDCF CBC MP4 AAC/H264 luca.mlv BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
A PDCF file with Basic HTTP Authentication: contentuser / contentpass2021, realm="Authorized Content Access"


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
WOWZA_PL001 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest_mvnumber.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Content for the Wowza plugin in KEK instead of key
WOWZA_PL002 DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 manifest_mvnumber.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Wowza pluging test content


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EXPR009 Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
APPLAUSE_HLS_AES HLS static AES128 CTR M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Applause testing: AES HLS
APPLAUSE_HLS_CLEAR HLS static None None M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Applause testing: clear HLS


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DASHS01 None None None None None mpd-slist.xml BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dashs_List_CBCS DASH Static None CBC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dashs_Number_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dashs_Timeline_CBCS DASH Static None CBCS MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_CENC_List DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_isofflive_Audioonly_CBCS DASH Static MARLIN+WV CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Dash_isofflive_Audioonly_CENC DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Dash_Number_CENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
Dash_OnDemand_Audioonly_CBCS DASH Static MARLIN+WV CBCS MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Dash_OnDemand_Audioonly_CENC DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Dash_Timeline_CENC DASH Static None CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
OnDemand_MultiDRM DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token
OnDemand_Subtitle_MultiDRM DASH Static MARLIN+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
WV Token WV Persistent Token


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
DASH_BITMV_10 DASH Static MARLIN+PR+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Created through Bitmovin with 10MB Mp4 file
DASH_BITMV_22 DASH Static MARLIN+PR+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Created through Bitmovin with 22MB Mp4 file
DASH_BITMV_32 DASH Static MARLIN+PR+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Created through Bitmovin with 32MB Mp4 file
DASH_BITMV_650 DASH Static MARLIN+PR+WV CENC MP4 Fragmented None stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
Playready Token
WV Token WV Persistent Token
Created through Bitmovin with 650MB Mp4 file


Content Tag Delivery Method Protection Encryption File Format Encoding Content URI BB Action Token (Device Bound) BB Action Token (User Bound) MS3 Compound URL Other Compound URL Notes
EXPR005 DASH Static MARLIN CENC MP4 Fragmented AAC/H264 stream.mpd BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HbbTV stream: Encrypted, sintel, static
EXPR011 HLS static AES128 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 sintel_trailer-hls.m3u8 BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints
HLS encrypted with AES128
EXPR001 Download BBTS v2.0 CBC M2TS AAC/H264 discovery.bbts BB AT w/ 520k limit
BB AT w/o 520k limit
BB AT w/ 520k limit MS3(SAS) w/ 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/o 520k limit
MS3(SAS) w/ RDLC constraints
MS3(SAS) w/ Wudo & RDLC constraints